academic work - 530 n. water st.
Historic East Side Commercial District – Milwaukee, WI - In association with Diane Reynolds
-Nine story new development - commercial / office / residential / high-end residential
-Historic Preservation attributes:
/southern glass curtain-wall façade capable of being disassembled to allow for expansion
into southern historic structures
/northern façade and over-hanging glass form disallow any new development to occupy
northern historic structure should it be demolished
/street façade sympathetic to historic fabric through an appreciative scale, window
alignments, and setback of higher levels
/simple forms and aesthetic are unique to the Historic District and do not impose a falsified
"historic" motif
/southern curtain-wall façade extends below adjacent historic buildings to allow for views
of historic brickwork and allows for natural light penetration inside circulation core
-Building acts as a public circulation corridor between Water Street and backside of block through a public café with massive operable doors
-Building is part of a Historic East Side Commercial District Master Plan proposal