freelance work - portfolio 01-07
Personal Architecture Portfolio, Container, + Business Cards
Versions 01 - 07 -- John Taylor Gorski
Version 07 Portfolio
-Designed around the proportions of standard 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Oriented the same as how I work in my sketchbooks.
-Leave-behind cards with simple representations of projects for prospective employers to retain, with resume on other side.
Version 07 Container
-Developed over the course of one year. Final version modeled after simplicity of clapboard without need for unsightly adhesives.
Version 07 Business Cards
-Because of the 1/16th inch plexiglass used, the same dimensions as a standard credit card were used for easy carry in a wallet or purse. Rounded to prevent accidental snagging or stabbing by sharp plexiglass corners.